So What's a Pale Ale Anyway?
If you follow Mother Earth Brewing on Twitter, you probably heard we brewed a 60 Bbl batch of Second Wind Pale Ale a few days ago. The brew crew worked hard, and with much success. I’m so excited about getting our Second Wind Pale Ale out on the market for everyone (including myself) to enjoy! –And what’s really exciting is that Second Wind Pale Ale will be sold in cans… as will our Sunny Haze, a Hefeweizen Style Ale. Our new canned beers have us all really pumped and we’re eager to share them with you all. Speaking of the Hefe (Hefeweizen) you can try it for yourself at a limited release planned for Thursday, April 14th at the Mother Earth Brewing Taproom (that’s this week: be there!). Stay tuned to Twitter and Facebook.
Okay, back to pale ale.
So, what can you expect out of a pale ale anyway?
Simply put; pale ales rock. This medium bodied beer boasts a moderate to strong hop aroma and a color that’s pale golden. If the pale ale has been dry hopped, the beer will appear a bit hazy in the glass. Otherwise, you’ll find pale ales to be pretty clear once poured. Most often, American hops are used to concoct American pale ale- and these usually embody a citrus character. Sometimes, we refer to pale ale as IPA’s little brother. It’s sort of like an IPA that’s been toned down a few notches. Overall, you’ll quickly recognize this beer to be refreshing and easy to drink.
Remember to come out to the Mother Earth Brewing Taproom April 14th for a seek peek at Sunny Haze Hefeweizen Style Ale… it’s looking like we’ll have great weather for hanging in the beer garden! If you miss Thursday, check back with us on Friday and Saturday: we might have some left!
Peace, Love, and Beer………Trent